Reims (51) Residential construction of 236 social housing units - Aviateurs district

Phase : Work in progress
Maître d'ouvrage : LE FOYER REMOIS
Equipe : BEC - BDL - GINKO
Date de réalisation : Phase ACT en cours
Surface du projet : 11 155 m²
Montant des travaux : 1 085 000 € H.T.

The residences are spread out on both sides of Boulevard de Lattre de Tassigny. The residentialization of the latter finds a balance between the perception of the boulevard and the identification of the residences. The main axis of the boulevard is accompanied by a low white wall on each side of the road to give a depth of field to this ensemble.

Beyond the boulevard de Lattre de Tassigny, the reading of the limits of each of the residences is translated by the creation of vegetal bangs composed of a succession of shrubby banks and punctuation of dynamic massifs.

The redundancy of this landscaping principle makes it possible to compose a system of unity and identification for all these residences.

This project is part of a global sustainable development approach in which the coefficients of biodiversity, soil permeability and rainwater infiltration all evolve in a positive and significant way.